
An invitation to connect with ‘Sufi Spirituality’

Dear Friend,

You are cordially invited to join our enriching weekly online class and audio-video podcast, every Sunday, dedicated to exploring the profound realms of Sufi Spirituality and the paramount significance of Truth.

Embark on a transformative journey guided by seasoned scholars and practitioners, delving into the wisdom of Sufi teachings that transcend time and culture. Our sessions aim to unravel the mystique surrounding Sufism, offering profound insights into the mystical path and its relevance in contemporary life.

Each Sunday, immerse yourself in captivating discussions, reflective practices, and timeless narratives that illuminate the importance of Truth in shaping a meaningful existence. Engage with a community of like-minded individuals, fostering a space for open dialogue and shared exploration.

Whether you are a seasoned Sufi seeker or a curious soul taking the first step, our classes provide a welcoming environment for all backgrounds and levels of spiritual understanding. Let the resonance of Sufi wisdom and the pursuit of Truth harmonize your inner being.

Join us in this sacred virtual gathering, as we traverse the spiritual landscape together, unlocking the secrets of Sufi Spirituality and embracing the transformative power of Truth. Your presence will be a valuable addition to our community of seekers.

Details for accessing the online class and podcast can be found on our website. We eagerly await the joy of your company every Sunday.

Day: Sunday 

Time: 1:00 pm (British Standard Time)

On Zoom, Facebook Live, Apple podcast, Youtube 

Click to register for the group coaching online class next Sunday⁠

It will also be live on the following Facebook page:⁠

Please remember to subscribe to the channel and let me know your thoughts.

Subscribe YouTube channel :⁠

In the spirit of truth and unity,

Maratib Ali Shad

Avoid false gurus and cult leaders! class with Maratib Ali Shad

Avoid false gurus | Spiritual Principle

Are you a victim, or have you experienced any false so-called guru or cult?

We are organising an online awareness event about how to avoid false gurus and cult leaders. 

Helping people is a noble endeavour rooted in empathy, compassion, and a genuine desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others. Helping creates a ripple effect that extends beyond the immediate beneficiary, whether through acts of kindness, mentorship, or support. The reasons for helping others range from fostering a sense of community to promoting personal growth and contributing to society’s overall well-being.

However, in the pursuit of assistance, it is crucial to be wary of false gurus and cult leaders who may exploit vulnerability and manipulate individuals for their gain. False gurus often present as enlightened beings or possessors of exclusive knowledge, preying on the sincere search for guidance and purpose. One must cultivate a discerning mindset and employ critical thinking to avoid falling victim to such deceptive figures.

Firstly, it’s essential to scrutinise potential mentors’ or leaders’ credentials and backgrounds. Legitimate helpers have a track record of positive contributions and are transparent about their expertise. Additionally, one should be cautious of charismatic leaders who demand blind obedience or isolate followers from their support networks. Healthy helping relationships thrive on trust, mutual respect, and open communication.

Moreover, individuals seeking assistance should be wary of promises that seem too good to be true. False gurus often make grandiose claims and offer quick-fix solutions, preying on the vulnerabilities of those in need. Genuine helpers, on the other hand, acknowledge the complexity of personal growth and emphasise the importance of patience and effort.

Join me and participate in the live group coaching class on Sunday. In conclusion, helping people is a virtuous pursuit that can bring about positive change in the world. However, it is imperative to approach this endeavour with discernment to avoid falling victim to false gurus and cult leaders. By staying vigilant, critically evaluating potential mentors, and relying on a foundation of trust and authenticity, individuals can ensure that their journey towards personal growth and assistance remains guided by genuine intentions.

Avoid false gurus and cult leaders! class with Maratib Ali Shad
"Embrace Happiness: Letting Go of Resistance in Your Life"

“Embrace Happiness: Letting Go of Resistance in Your Life” – [Spiritual Principle Series]

In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, pursuing happiness becomes a transformative journey that often requires us to relinquish the tight grip of resistance. Our upcoming video, “Embrace Happiness: Letting Go of Resistance in Your Life,” delves into the profound wisdom behind releasing resistance to unlock the doors to a more joyous and fulfilling existence.

Life is a constant ebb and flow, and it’s natural to encounter obstacles that evoke resistance within us. Whether it’s resisting change, confronting personal fears, or holding onto past grievances, these barriers can cast shadows on the path to true happiness. Our video explores the pivotal idea that acknowledging and relinquishing resistance will pave the way for a brighter, more harmonious life.

Through insightful interviews with psychology, mindfulness, and personal development experts, our video presents compelling perspectives on how resistance manifests in our lives and the transformative power of letting go. Viewers will gain valuable insights into the psychological and emotional benefits of releasing resistance, fostering a mindset shift that encourages a more positive and open approach to life’s challenges.

We’ll share practical tips and exercises to help viewers integrate this newfound wisdom into their daily lives. From mindfulness practices to reframing negative thoughts, our video provides actionable steps for embracing a life free from unnecessary resistance. Letting go creates space for joy, gratitude, and resilience, empowering ourselves to navigate life’s twists and turns with grace and optimism.

Join us on this enlightening journey towards happiness. Discover the liberating impact of shedding resistance and learn how to cultivate a mindset that fosters joy, resilience, and a deeper connection with the present moment. “Embrace Happiness” is not just a video—it’s a guide to unlocking the doors to your truest, happiest self.

“Embrace Happiness: Letting Go of Resistance in Your Life”
Spirituality & Resoning with Maratib Ali Shad
reasoning and Spirituality

Comparison between Reasoning and Spirituality

Certainly! Reasoning and spirituality can be compared in several ways:

1. Definition: Reasoning refers to the process of logical thinking, using evidence and logical arguments to reach conclusions. Spirituality, on the other hand, encompasses a broader range of beliefs, values, and practices related to the non-material aspects of life, often involving a connection to something greater than oneself.

2. Focus: Reasoning emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving, and the analysis of evidence. Spirituality, on the other hand, focuses on exploring inner experiences, personal growth, and the search for meaning and purpose.

3. Methods of Understanding: While reasoning relies on empirical evidence and scientific methods, spirituality often draws from personal experiences, intuition, and faith-based beliefs.

4. Subject Matter: Reasoning is commonly used in academic disciplines like mathematics, science, and philosophy, while spirituality is more prevalent in religious studies, philosophy of religion, and aspects of psychology.

5. Goals: The goal of reasoning is to arrive at objective and logical conclusions based on evidence, while spirituality seeks to foster a sense of connectedness, inner peace, and personal growth.

6. Compatibility: In some cases, reasoning and spirituality can complement each other, especially when individuals integrate logical thinking with their spiritual beliefs and practices.

When discussing these topics, it’s essential to maintain an open and respectful environment, recognizing that different individuals may have varying perspectives on spirituality and the role of reasoning in their lives.


Psychology of innocency of criminals

Why do we cry when we feel in guilty?
when we do crime or violate some laws in result of our unconscious living than shall we still be punished or not?
People, who have possessed with dense pain-body, are still responsible for their wrong-doing and act of being in guilty?
In this class, we have tried to understand deeply background of the crimes or illegal actions or act of being guilty and what are their hidden reasons. Eckart Tolle in his book “The New Earth” explain this dimension of life with spiritual and logical reasons.
Click here, listen, watch and learn it.


Origin of emotions

Eckert Tolle says that •The physical organism, your body, has its own intelligence, as does the organism of every other life-form. And that intelligence reacts to what your mind is saying, reacts to your thoughts. So emotion is the body’s reaction to your mind. 

You can join every Sunday this class session by click and registering your details on Zoom.

It will also be live on following Facebook page:

Facebook 7 Habits group:

Subscribe YouTube channel for more videos and life changing contents:

blog for personal development and spirituality:



Science, Rationality and consciousness (Part 2)

why science is incomplete paradigm to discover and contemplate with absolute realities about our life and cosmology. How we can see holistic view our life for true success with science and meta-physical realities with spirituality and consciousness.

This is life changing class session and if you are enough courage to learn new paradigm of the life and cosmology, you can watch it and join our next session on Sunday. 

Three ways to enrol / register / join my next free class and sessions:


2- Facebook LIVE on

3- Live Stream link.

Please click below to subscribe to the YouTube channel as we are building an online community of like-minded and diverse individuals like you.



Courage, being courageous means and consciousness Series (Part 1)

Recently I have started new series on Courage and its different spiritual dimensions, by Dr. David Hawkins with my captions and some interpretations.

Here is episode 1 and its contents, key questions and video recording.

Key contents:

•How we can have great feelings of “ I can”

•Why some people are more resilient ?

•To become courageous what level of consciousness we are?

•Why are we not doer of the world ?

•How we can have inner self-confidence and less concerned with security?

•Why people are not able to change their paradigm or whole worldview?

•Are belief systems fix or changeable ?

•Are you ready to experience uncertainty, confusion and being upset and discomfort, temporarily but why ?

Three ways to enrol / register / join my next free class and sessions:


2- Facebook LIVE on

3- Live Stream link.

Please click below to subscribe to the YouTube channel as we are building an online community of like-minded and diverse individuals like you.

Subscribe blog for Personal development and spirituality on

