change, Domestic Violence, Heart-purification, Leadership, Life Lessons, Marriages, Path of Mediocrity, Personal Life, Professionalism, Self-Help, Social Mirrors, Success, Vision

Signs to be on Path-of-Mediocrity or Failure

In today’s world, everyone is running after success. They do not want to lose, yet they are eager to

You can be at one path either Greatness or Mediocrity (Failure)

Path of Mediocrity

find methods and shorter and longer techniques to achieve success. In this scarcity world, most of people are not successful because their adopted wrong methods to achieve it. Sometimes, they can see and feel their desired positions and dreams, however, they do not know ideal methods how to execute them and get 100% results. They become reactive and lethargic for achieving those things which can get by only following principles and natural laws. If they get some little wins but they could not sustained. In developed corporate world, people are frustrated to cope their challenges even they cannot count them on fingers, either they have too many ambitions or no. They are lost on their ways. They never could not found their voices. They are noise or part of it. Their own voices are lost and even they do not listen or care other. People are furious about their state of minds. They try to share itself but do not have courage to share with other. They are cowardice. They are non-shared and have limited vision. They want to upgrade it but do not know how and hence they are trapped by negative energies and unreal thoughts which deviate them from path of success.  One of their phobia is they do resist any change in life, hence they life and believes are not dynamic.

People have different perceptions about concepts of success. Since their paradigms and perspectives in same situations are different therefore their definitions are different. Regretfully, they do not even listen to their understanding of success. New ages are in progression but these conflicts and trends are increasing. I am wondering that why people do not listen other. Boss, Secretary, Manager, Director, Spouses, Environmentalists, Labors, politician and professionals, all have lost their voices. They are shouting on each other. Societies are lost and their legacy is no longer with them. People do not know what is empathy mean actually. They do not feel for learning.
As far their conscience turn into ego, they lost their trust on people and systems. They have no or doubtful faith on God spiritually. They install heavy packet of envy and Jealousy in their hearts because of inferior complex and egoistic.  Their passions are reflections of social mirrors. They do what ever people are doing and following. They are eyes sees as eyes of other. They are undisciplined and backward cultured. Their vision is limiting believes and not-shared. Their bodies become their own masters and lusty. At the end, they are set-on path of failure or straitjacket.
Their values of not their rather values of other people. Their approach of living is Outside-In. They become happy when they are treated well and vice-versa:

  • I am working for most ungrateful owner of the house who never appreciate my service.
  • I work full-time, I do regular visit Mosque or Church and have many friends but i am alone.
  • I have consulted many people and learned many courses, none of single can fulfill me.
  • I am not paid well yet i am working hard to impress other to increase it.
  • Do not under-estimate my spiritual believes they are very dearer to me.
  • My subordinates are not loyal as i pay and give them more incentives, i am losing my customers and company prestige.
  • My mother-in-law is very authoritative and she criticizes me and i have not relationship with her but pieces of gravels.
  • I am fed-up of financial and social injustice, i am organizing protest in front of parliament.
  • I would provide all necessities to my children even I am unprivileged.
  • My husband and wife have very complicated relation, either one of us can quit it.
  • this world is going to end and my goals are unfulfilled.

These are some little glimpses of general people yet they are wondering for their solutions. I have deep feelings with them. I am compassionate with them.

I believe that there is path of principles and rules of productivity that bring abundance mentality to people for solution of their problems.

I would like to share with you those secrets which have brought changes in the lives countless individuals, teams and organizations. In near future, I would be sharing those basic habits, principles and process of sequences and development which will guide to find your voice. Have you thought that you choose to deviate from path of mediocrity!!!


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