Culture, Heart-purification, Humanity, language, Mind, Paradigms, Philosophy, Principle centered, Religious, Spiritual Intelligence, trainings, Uncategorized, Vision

The Origin of absolute Success –a call for an inquiry (Western civilisation in contrast with Spiritual Enlightenment)

The idea of being Successful is extremely relative and depends on personal and popular or accepted popular culture. All previous civilisation(s) and modernised societies have their vague concept of success, whether they believe in omnipotent some form of God or believe that this universe is running without God. Eastern philosophical schools of thoughts and ideas related to God and its implications upon the society had produced a very different type of nation-product. Good examples are Taoism, the influence of Siddhartha Ghotam Buddha etc had a remarkable positive influence on Eastern Civilisation in the regions such as China, India etc. Their idea of success was built on moral or divine values and culture of non-violence, self-purification, brotherhood, healing, simplicity, de-attachment with the world desires etc. This led people to live peacefully and way-out from their life issues. It could be possible by idea of true SELF and its enrichment by certain methods of bearing hardships and suppress their wishes those produces discomforts and immense grief. That form “Spiritual Enlightenment” which were proudly based on Eastern school of thoughts that influenced China, India, Pakistan, South or East Russia, Nepal & Japan etc for thousands of years.

On the contrary, western school of thought developed an absolutely new way of the idea of success based on power, money, politics, sex, war, scientism, capitalism etc. Idea of communication via languages & idea of ‘Construction’ have positive impact on the world however severe limitation of languages have impacted on the world in the way people are unable to unleash their potential. No doubt, monies, power, technological & scientific advancement have empowered the nations at one side at certain extent on superficial level. That had designed a new way of thinking and paradigms of newly born civilisation based on “Western Enlightenment” It had formed by series of renaissance movements one after another, after Dark Ages in fifteen centuries ago. Apart from many sincere religious movements from Church in the west, people kicked the idea of God because all un-fullfilment desires could be filled or accomplished with straight forward or empirical & scientific way of thinking and lifestyle. They thought because they can produce countless food, commodities and see their future through farming and industrial revolution, therefore, their renaissance or new reality of being successful, therefore, Good bye Church.

What I mean that we are merely born to look beautiful, living in great life style to influence thousands of external lives and having enough monies only?

Do we really know about how we will pain and suffering when we are in illness physically? What about when we feel intense & permanent loneliness or have poor relationships? Imagine when we do not have really life goals or discipline to maintain? Especially we do not have any mission statement? Are these all failures not with mostly all of us in modern times, unfortunately? Especially, Western societies are full of these people, unfortunately because of following fake and temporary superficial realities.

End results of both way of Enlightenment (s) are in progress. Both ways have grabbed billions of fellowships with them and both have advantages. Especially, Western civilisation and their success in science, language, politics, literature have given them clear edge over east superficially.

Most prominent Western civilisational hero, America, had produced and formulated success literature, in millions of quantities of books have been written and available in the market. Of course, almost all books publishing in the west claim to have monies, capital and resource is actually ultimate success, especially if you are feeling happy personally and you have large fellowship on the internet, and it multiplies to millions. Thousands of trainers, Coaches, mentors in the field of Personal Development have their product for the people to make them successful and they are earning millions every year. And, thousands of motivational speakers & trainers have net annual earnings in millions of dollars.  Now big question is that are their contribution to the world is really making any real difference to the world as whole?

They are very successful speakers to motivate millions of audiences to achieve their goals in different roles of life.

Now most profound question is that what type of product they are creating. Do we need to achieve success without any principle cantered paradigms, or we just need success whatever we want?

Do we have identified our origin of SELF or ultimate truth about ourselves, about universe or about God?

Are our teachings or trainings are based on some natural or universal principles such as law of gravity, law of harvest or we are just doing some quick fix to feed our business accounts and bank balances?

Has number of successful (rotational) achievements in my life (as per my will) attempted to find answers of these fundamental questions? Are they really important to sort this puzzle in our life? Or it is enough to being selfish for ourselves that we are very happy on our private or public victories?

How many of living legends are discussing to know ultimate truth in their gathering or on internet?

It is merely all look business activities going on to buy motivational books or attending motivational events across the globe, especially in the West.

 I am sorry to be being really estimating the things or yourself or making the current realities over-simplified, however, these questions or thoughts are arising inside of me which is very deep.

My career or working in industry of Life Coaching or Personal development, more than 7 years, in the United Kingdom, has pushed my sincerity to discover the reasons to know about fundamental questions as discussed above.

Imagine that all success stories, ideas to becoming successful entrepreneur, celebrity, great scientists & literary person, even becoming teacher etc. are actually lies and mis-representation of actual reality? The ideas of success or principles which I am worshipping them like religion, I would bring disclose that all these were bullshits and lies? Because you were in wrong paradigms from centuries? How will be respond on it? If we don’t know what is ultimately truth being a human or part of this universe than where we will go?

If there is no success which we are assuming as reality, do not exist actually? Than what and how we will feel?

I am not saying that all believes of success, communications, ideas, scientific inventions or discoveries are in rational lies, however, we need an inquiry, certainly, to discover the truth that have been forgotten with our ancestors. We need to go back and research from scratch who I am? What is real reality? What is God? If I would find these questions than any theories derive based on absolute truth we discover, will be ultimate success.

If we are agreeing on inquiry for search absolute truth than we can access bookish and spiritual experiential resources. We need to investigate not only on spiritual meditation level but also with mental intelligence.

In current world, Spiritual Enlightenment has been describing in various perspective but I am encouraging reader of this article, towards the idea lying almost all religious schools such as Buddhist, Sufi, Yogi, Christian Monks & Zen etc. The reason why, they have been trained from thousands of centuries in the quest or real experience of answering the profound questions I have raised previously. These school of thoughts have very well-organised meditation way of system to knowing the ultimate reality. Also, on intellectual level, they have hundreds of distinguished authors and divine scripts to inquire.

My journey to search truth will continue and I also looking same mind-like people to work together. If you are interested, please contact me on



change, Dr. Stephen R.Covey, Goals & roles, In-Laws Issues, Industrial Mindset, Intellectual contribution, Leadership, Office, Paradigms, Path of Mediocrity, Principle centered, Religious, Self-Help, Social Mirrors, The 8th Habit, Time Management or Diaries

Power of believes system or Paradigms

All things are possible to the person who believes they are possible. NAPOLEON HILL

Believes system for man is like a network of billions of psycho-neuron cells that generate thoughts to make emotions so that their body can move independently to achieve something or act on in liaison spiritual intelligence. It is so powerful that drive man towards whether the path of mediocre or path of greatness. It may also refer as paradigms that mean mental maps or pattern of thoughts that define objects or events in unique ways.

Very high self-esteemed people have powerful believe so that they don’t get influence from the environment. They are proactive and have won on self so that they not only work independently but also interdependently as a team in office and family. The correctness of beliefs depends on the purity of thoughts or principles based paradigms that people choose to adopt from different stages i.e. childhood or nurturing, genes or nature or through their own choice.

Dr. Stephen put Paradigm in this way,
“Paradigm commonly used today to mean a perception, assumption, theory, frame of reference or lens through which you view the world. It’s like a map of territory or city. If inaccurate, it will make no difference how hard you try to find your destination or how positively you think – you’ll stay lost. If accurate, then diligence and attitude matter. But not until. ” (The 8th Habit – 2003)

Many centuries ago, famous scientist Francesco Redi discovered a fact against long lasted false belief under which they knew that maggots could be spontaneously generated from meat. Since Germs theory verify that every phenomenon or event is in the result of tiny microscopic insects called germs and nothing can be happened but due to germs. This amazing discovery open new dimension and change paradigms of medical science existed from centuries.

Believes in vital values such as dignity, honesty, and integrity are edges of rope of success. No short-cuts or alleyways should provide you keys to the road of success. Although, it seems path through main functions such as Vision, Discipline, Passion, and conscience, are difficult and long to walk over, however, it is only true reality to set on if you are a believer on true and long lasting success.

One of the biggest challenges is to believe on work in current information knowledge work age which had laid behind industrial mindset. Both mindsets are opposite to each other. You cannot get heartfelt success personally or in form of teams or whole company if you are lacking ingredient of requirement of modern age such as principle based leadership vision, considering employees as asset and machines as liability , whole person-paradigm, not partial individual, shared-vision, great alignment within departments, empowerment and all connected with high trust. These are fundamental beliefs of the modern and natural paradigm of success. Author John Gardner once said, ” Most ailing organizations have developed a functional blindness to their own defects, They are not suffering because they cannot resolve their problems, but because they cannot see their problems.”

If you believe on principle based success and associated values, it is imperative not to concentrate on disempowering environment or people. It is a famous fable that Once a deaf frog was dropped into a deep well and it was hard to come out. All nearby frogs gathered around the well to criticize that why did he drive into a deep well. All were shouting or mocking the Frog. Since that frog could not hear and the Frog was a focus to climb up the walls of the well to come out. He assumed positively that all frogs were motivating him that come on, come on, you could come out. Eventually, that frog came out of well and everyone was so astonished that how he could survive and he said that he was not aware that all other frogs were criticizing, all frogs were pushing for him to come out, he explained.

Like a frog, we all believe on our strengths and don’t put our ears on others criticism and negative thoughts. Believe in yourself and you will be succeeded like a frog.
Theory of relativity and modern Science after Isaac Newton 1700 or beyond changed belief systems of previous all generations. Therefore, inventions and discoveries in all fields such as mechanics, electronics, genetics, physics, mathematics etc are more frequent with greater speed than before, all due to change of mind-set and believe on new tools, thoughts, and skills-set.

Dr. Stephen once said, “If you want to make minor, incremental changes and improvements, work on practices, behavior or attitude. But if you want to make significant, quantum improvement, work on paradigms.”

In historical perspective, if religious paradigms were aligned with scientific and modern knowledge based developments, it had played a significant role in building faith based nations like Muslims. Old Muslims used to have powerful believes that their faith and revelation also support and source of encouragement for discoveries, inventions and learning modern knowledge. Since those beliefs led foundations of modern science and culture and built a creative golden age of Muslim Civilisation that stretched from Spain to China for many hundreds of years. Since those beliefs disappeared, a nation turned into entirely different downward fall. Some wonders of those beliefs were Lighthouse of Alexandria (one of the wonders of the Ancient World), The House of Wisdom: Baghdad’s intellectual Powerhouse, top Medical books, beautiful and majestic mosques, Ibn Sina’s ‘Canon book, a medical reference in Europe for 500 years!, Extra ordinary women from the Golden Age of Muslim Civilisation, Al-Jahiz’s Book of Animals, The Rise of papermaking industry, Where algebra got is name from, stunning ceilings from wonders of Islamic Architecture, The Islamic Roots of modern Pharmacy, Glass industry,  amazing Mechanical devices and clocks and top popular cities were under civilisation of believers !

Social mirrors are very many functions of beliefs of the people in a certain society. illiteracy and without a sense of self-actualization, nations turn into the backward crowd who follow low values and unproductive traditions. People tend to see their success and failure in terms of beliefs and social mirrors. For example, a society where Doctor or Engineer or rich Businessman is considered only high rank of success is a good example of poor social mirrors.

It is important how you see yourself you become. A child of an elephant is generally chained with rope and he thinks that he cannot break and hence he cannot be free himself. The Same elephant when gets an adult, still thinks that he cannot get rid of a chain, even when he has enormous power to break it anytime but an adult elephant cannot because he has thought that he was and is limited. If you want to achieve big you need to break chains of ignorance from your mind.

People and nations who believe in a power of Character Ethics they develop more mature and successful children who do not believe in success on personal ethics. They believe that success is a consistent journey led by the sequential development of Physical, Mental, Social or emotional or Spiritual intelligence.

In recent modern history is witnessed that how few individuals transformed their people in the country and achieved massive from scratch. Such as Mother Teresa, Malala, Gandhi, Nelson Mendela, Edhi, Arunima Sinha, Founding fathers of United States of America, Churchill, and all Prophets, are few examples who were born to believe in serving their people and reshaped their destiny.

If you are Office Professional/House wife/ unemployed/Manager/Director/CEO or thinking to change your career and you want write mission statement of your life, Team or organisation, or want to set personal or organisational goals, or you are finding your own voice or purpose or you want to identify and separate wrong beliefs or social mirrors from correct belief, than sign up to book free session with me.
Click here:

change, Community works, Dr. Stephen R.Covey, Emotional or Social Intelligence, Leadership, Management, Marriages, Office, Personal Life, Principle centered, Professionalism, Self-Help, Success, Time Management or Diaries, Vision, weight loss

Identify key Roles and Relationships of Life

Once you build your Personal Mission Statement, you are set on path of greatness and now depend how much you are stuck with it and live by it.

Next step after development mission statement, you need to identify key and important people and functions in your life.

Remember that balance life is key of successful life. We need to keep balance in all roles. It is also greatest challenge of modern world. Management Guru Stephen R. Covey says:

“Many people seem to think that success in one area can compensate for failure in other areas. But can it really? True effectiveness requires balance”.

Do you have idea how you can know about vital people and contribution of your life? Just think!!

Let me tell you now.

Referring to previous exercise of celebrating 80th birthday and you had imagined those people around you, are really important relations. After thinking those people you can now imagine key areas of your life and that each area will be key role of your life.

For example, on 80th birthday people would be children, spouse, colleagues, community workers etc. Suppose Sarah and Adam are two supposed individuals who are keen to change their life and do something extra ordinary.

Roles of Life

Roles of Life

now their roles will be:

1. Adam as Husband

or Sarah as Wife

2. Adam as Father

or Sarah as Mother

3.  Adam as Director

or Sarah as Assistant

4. Adam as community worker

or Sarah as Designer

5. Adam as sportsman

or Sarah as sport lady

6. Adam/Sarah as Student

7. Adam/Sarah as Friend

so on.

Usually, you can choose 5-7 key roles, around which your life should be circulating with.

However, in my opinion above mention roles are very traditional and look ordinary. Ideally ordinary. is not?

This step will make each role very special in your life.

For example, if you have identifying husband or wife, you can give new title As Caring partner.

Let’s try to give new and extra-ordinary titles to above supposed roles:

1. Adam as Hubby (Husband)

Sarah as best friend ( Wife)

2. Adam as DAD (Father)

or Sarah as Mom (Mother)

3. Adam as Catalyst for Change (Director)

or Sarah as great department supporter ( Assistant)

4. Adam as great humanistic leader (community worker)

or Sarah as creative art lover (designer)

5. Adam as super sportsman (Footballer)

or Sarah as fitness expert (sports lady)

6. Adam/Sarah as keen Learner (student)

7. Adam/Sarah as Empathic listener (Friend)

Congratulation! you have learn how to develop key roles of your life.

Remember, that all these role(s) and people should be in your imagination when you would celebrate your 80th birthday and also these roles may also be involved in your personal mission statement. ideally your mission statement should have indicated your roles of life.

You can also interpret these roles and can write your own definitions because it is your life. you can ask several question to yourself and write their answer on your diary.

Q1.  What is this role meaning in the life?

Q2. Why this role is important for me?

You must have unique roles as your life is unique. In this world you are really different person and you need to define your role(s).


Now you will be have more control on your life and will also resolve the problem like work-Life balance.

If you are facing difficulty in assigning different roles of your life. You can fill out the following quick form and I will try to answer you as soon as possible.

In next article, I will discuss with you about goal settings of your life which is very crucial for your life. Please be remembered this article and video demonstration are part of series of “How to live by Effective Time Management Principles”.

change, Leadership, Life Lessons, Management, Marriages, Office, Personal Life, Principle centered, Professionalism, Self-Help, Spiritual Intelligence, Success, Time Management or Diaries, trainings, Vision

Personal Mission Statement, Let’s build

People and business professionals are struggling to maintain their all daily to-do list, tasks, emails and correspondences related to personal, family, Team, clients, community, projects, staff and associates. of course everyone is following some of time management formulas.  which are not really source of their contentment. Effective Time Management is one of greatest challenges of today’s world where everybody is extremely busy to meet daily, weekly and monthly need of time but they are not really happy and at the end of day, they show as lethargic and with low motivation for their next day.



It means that majority of people living today is without purpose of life that’s why they are not excited for their tomorrow.

But good news is that we can meet this challenge with most effective time management principle.

Before telling you Effective Time Management skills for 100% fulfilling promise for every need, work and role of your life you need to build your own life and very personal Mission Statement. This is one of the greatest step of a leader’s life. You are the own leader of your life. You need to prove it.

Personal Mission Statmetn

Personal Mission statement

To think and write mission statement is one of fundamental personal initiative of any successful individual. Here I am not going to tell you write mission statement for your family, team and organisation but only for your very personal and secret life.

Personal mission statement is your life constitution which will drive you in entire course of your life successfully and with greatest satisfaction and contentment. It will make you master of your life. Because you have decided to create and design your own life course with own wishes, thoughts and priorities.

Personal mission statement belongs to your spiritual intelligence and give your really purpose and meaning of your life for your ultimately gratification.

Dr. Stephen R. Covey says:

All things are created twice. There’s a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all things.

Are you read to build and write it? hmmm?

Let’s go.

Right from the beginning, please buy or arrange your personal calendar diary from any local store (in case if you do not have), also arrange pen and notepad for draft and rough notes.

Make sure that you are sitting now in very peaceful environment and this moment is that best time when your energy of the day is maximum. Some people feel very pleasant at Dawn or in early in the morning, or sitting in the garden or library. This session should take couple of hours of your life but very important because you are going to create your own destiny and you have decided that you are going to live your own life rather than becoming cultural software and product of circumstances. is it?

Now, put on side every thing and close your eyes and imagine you are celebrating your 80th birthday and every important person in your life is around you. They are praising you. These people could be your children, grandchildren, spouse, colleagues, brothers, sisters, friends, relatives, business associates, neighbours, students and community or religious bodies. Imagine now, you are sharing milestones of your life with them. You are sharing your life achievements, your worthy experiences, conclusions, principles, values under you lived by, your successful journey and quality of thoughts and life.

Similarly, in further imagine on the same day, all people around you, are praising you and acknowledging your character, competencies and your life achievements and they are saying that you have been….. like this ….and this……., throughout your life ….and you were…. and are….. and will be as ….. (write here what do you wish to say about your on that day and write it…)

and now open your eyes and write the following three questions:

Question 1: What are list of achievements, goals, experiences, values, executed-plans and milestone you would be sharing with all people around you on that day?

Question 2: What do you want to listen from people around you? what should they be saying about you on that very day?

Question 3: What legacy do you want to leg-behind to the people after your life?

Question 4: What values you would be live by throughout in your life (from now to onward)?

Well-done! you are set on the journey to create your dream life.

Now next step are to think about couple of aspect of your important life and also write the answers of following questions:

Question 5: Identify one or two persons who have impact on your thoughts and life positively? How did that person(s) have influenced your life, in what aspects what values you took from this person and why you admire him most?


You need now to review what you have written on your notepad. You can circle, key ideas and key people within these question.

One important thing that mission statement could by half of page, few solid lines, more pages, a poem and an inspirational text or manifestation script or else. Its your own life you can choose in your own way. Hurrah!

Remember, this statement is like a seed of your life which will turn into powerful mature tree with fruits.

This is a rough draft of your personal mission statement which is not final yet. Now spend more quality time next few days with this draft until week finish and you continue to work on it. This brainstorming is extremely important. You can add or delete some points, key people, roles, achievements as you need. After few days you will see you do not need to add or delete anything more.

That is your Final mission statement. Congratulation!!!!

Happy and complete life through personal mission statement

Happy and complete life through personal mission statement

Amazing thing you created in your life!!! Awesome

Now you can transfer this statement to your personal and secret diary and you can also note it digitally.

What if you want to change it later, after few weeks or months?

Don’t worry, you can change it anytime. Because change means growth. Because successful life is very dynamic and many new things, roles and challenges come you can add or remove later.

Ideally, you can review it after ever month and you many ask yourself that is that mission statement is truly representing myself what I am going with and what I want to achieve and live by eventually?

If you heart solid answer YES from your inside and then there should be time of celebration!

This is personal mission statement of your life and live by it and inspire others.

Be remember that power of this mission statement depend on how you are sincere and give it quality time and you work on it.

After this I will be discussing with you how we can derive roles of our life and then goals of life in next steps.

Note: Please note that article is in connection with the series ” How to live by effective Time Management Principles”.

If you need any help to build your personal life mission statement and have any question. You can discuss with me and fill the following short form. I will contact you as son.


change, Community works, Divorces, Dr. Stephen R.Covey, effectiveness, Intellectual contribution, Leadership, Life Lessons, Management, Mind, Office, Paradigms, Path of Mediocrity, Personal Life, Philosophy, Principle centered, Professionalism, Religious, Self-Help, Success, Synergy, The 3rd Alternative Solution, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Time Management or Diaries, trainings, Uncategorized, Vision, weight loss

Leadership and Management Trainings – an Effective Paradigm

Preface – Is the business leadership subject of Management or it is covering all roles of life of an individual. Are we enough able to develop engaged and committed employees? Or do we see ourselves as great carer or parent? Are we enough self-aware that we are directly or indirectly connected with our cultural and social roots and at the same time we are making significant contribution to our organisation, family, society and the world?

Great author Dr. Stephen R. Covey says;

“I don’t define leadership as becoming CEO. A CEO is no more likely to be a leader than anymore else. I am talking about leading own life, being a leader among your friends, being a leader in your own family”.

These are very important and contemporary questions for contemporary and demanding minds. We are missing definite certain principle based believes-set that would modify our Industrial mind to information or knowledge worker age and it would prepare us against those societal forces, out of which we can choose to respond. We are product our generation-to-generation transferred attitude or we have our own wisdom of freedom to do or meditate against historical standards. I am victim of this lifestyle or thinking pattern because my parents & my family have been nurturing with this environment or we have our own voice that can create great relationships and humanitarian events.

Leadership and management Trainings by Maratib Ali Shad

Leadership and Management Trainings by Maratib Ali Shad

Basically, leadership explain and provide us a new mind-set which provide us a unique paradigm of abundance mentality and freedom to choose our response. We need to cope all modern challenges of life, job, business and rapidly changing societal trends.

Dr. Stephen says,

“The problem of leadership today is that managers are still applying the Industrial Age control model to knowledge workers. They fail to tap into the highest motivations, talents, and genius of their people”.

Inspiring author and Leadership authority, Dr. Stephen R. Covey believes that every human is a unique combination of body, mind, heart and spirit. Each person on this earth has different needs of their living conditions, versatile talent of diverse taste, emotional attachments with natural and unlike things, roles and great voice of spiritual intelligence which guide the person throughout his life. This is so dynamic and great paradigm of human dignity.

Our almost every child and adult are studying in schools and university. But we need to think that did we provide them opportunities to learn effectively foundations of spiritual, moral, cultural and social needs. We have developed lot of engineering miracles and multi-million institutions but our students are lack of understanding of all human needs in reality. Our popular life style has born a generation where we read news; 66% Americans are either overweight or have obesity and similar data we have in other part of the world. Every person is under pressure of unwanted things. They are in pain but they have to live with it. We are building thousands of physical fitness gym, however, side by it, we have less number of leadership development institutions where we can develop such humans who can maintain their body fitness, learn to flourish, passion for excellence and live by conscience in every moment of life.

In this knowledge worker age, people are unable to keep balance in their different roles of life. For example, a productive employee could be very smart Manager to create multi-million dollars ideas to his organisation but that employee could not maintain great relation with their spouse. It could be a worse relationship setback!! They are not even proven caring parent or guardian. Likewise, business or technical professionals could have very unique mental approach for becoming successful entrepreneur or highly skilled worker but they are unable to understand their child’s needs. We need to build leaders to cope it. Dr. Stephen R. Covey said;

“When parents see their children’s problems as opportunities to build the relationship instead of as negative, burdensome irritations, it totally changes the nature of parent-child interaction. When a child comes to them with a problem, instead of thinking, “Oh, no! Not another problem!” their paradigm is, “Here is a great opportunity for me to really help my child and to invest in our leadership.”

This is indeed a great leadership paradigm.

Troubled life is also result of heedlessness of Time Management Principles, to do list is not sufficient and was an old method. Now this age demands new approach and new tool sets of keeping balance all tasks for all roles of life which we choose to plan and do proactive. Furthermore, we need to split our years and months into weeks and days, for all individual roles, based on urgencies and importance factor. Dr. Covey said, once;

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” (Leadership Paradigm)

A smart business one may have extra substantial possessions but he or she could lack of meaning of life. They are not able to know about purpose of their life and give the ultimate inner satisfaction for their daily works why they should do it. This philosophical approach of thinking is as vital as earning money or other important work. They may need to study sacred literature or have certain links which indoctrinate them for religious or spiritual faiths which can give them direction of life and accountability as they would need.

As “Accountability breeds response-ability.”

On the other hand, Leaders are also so rich people with certain mind-set who can keep balance in their life, you know why? Because they have found their voice of their personal and professional realms and now they inspire other to find their voices and it will inspires millions.

Hence, Professor Stephen R. Covey define Leadership as

“Leadership is communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that they come to see it in themselves.”

So leadership is real need of today whatever you have the role of your life.

Leaders tend to be trustworthiness along with their competencies. Professional competencies demands new skills, new tool set and unique paradigm under character groom itself.

Character building is a great challenge of today’s world. Failure as personal or professional roles is in result of character weaknesses and our schools and society have been failed to make a trustworthy person. It effect, often, the personal relationships especially with friends and spouses and also in business environment when Manager or CEO involve in affairs and corruption scandals.

“90 percent of all leadership failures are character failures”.

Basically, character is composition of integrity, maturity and abundance mentality whereas competence build through technical knowledge of certain field or industry, conceptual understanding of things and ideas and how to become interdependent to achieve business or work goals. When character meets with competency, wisdom born. Leader than live by wisdom, act under humility and do by courage.

Leaders believe in synergistic team work where 1+1 is not 2 but 11 or more. Where teams in factory unit, offices and homes earn fruits of synergy every moment. They reinforce strengths and ignore the weaknesses of each other. If people have conflicts at work, home and in politics, leaders transform the issues the 3rd alternative solution which is a higher way out of solution provided by each party. Like Dr. Stephen Said,

“Valuing the differences is the essence of synergy the mental, the emotional, the psychological difference between people. And the key to valuing those differences is to realize that all people see the world, not as it, but as they are.”

Today, most of employee are disengaged with organisational priorities. Involvement of employee can be make sure only by directly emotional attachment with core purpose of the project or organisation. Clearly communicated mission and its derived goals are indispensable for happier workers.

No involvement no commitment!

All principle-centred leaders believe in run their roles of life based on mission statement. Their personal mission are integrated with their professional job roles, family and relationships. Goals, weekly and daily tasks are their water under they live. They use modern technology for keeping their Time Management and priorities but do not indulge in it. They are self-manager and carry powerful life driven character oriented values like integrity, trust, humility, trust worthiness, dignity, optimism, synergy and stewardship. They lead their own life with interdependence style of amalgamation of Vision, Discipline, Passion and Conscience.

This world is turning into intense customer oriented. Every individual and organisation are somewhere are customers of each other. Therefore we need to build a mind-set where this customer oriented market can be satisfied and service must be essence of all passion and spirit.

Like Nathan Eldon said once, “Service is the rent we pay for living in this world of ours”.

Leaders have vision of deep thinking and philosophical foundation the way they perceive the world. They believe in people, watch dreams, have idealistic approach, aware of reality, really helpful for everyone and have capacity to think outside the box. Consequently, they are creative and mature enough to achieve their desired life.

Leaders maintain self-discipline because they believe in natural principles and see synergy everywhere in nature. They know that they need to focus on their mission and goals, constantly, independently through continues hard work and competent values with decisive nature. They executive in their business action plan with realistic and achievable approach.

Also, leaders are passionate about what they do, fearlessly. They are enough sensitive to accept every challenge of their life role, self-motivating and have immense courage to launch personal and business initiatives.

Keeping their vision, discipline and passion, leaders also need a lens through which they can accountable itself. They have great sense of right and wrong which burn them from their inside and they listen inner friend’s voice of their conscience, it always push or pull them in every moment of their life whenever they need of it. This little whispering is called conscience and govern all other three component of the whole-person i.e. physical, mental and emotional or social intelligences within a leader.

If an individual could really believe on these intelligences, along with whole roadmap to live on path of greatness, and find his own voice then it can discover a leader inside you, no matter what age level you are.

Dr. Stephen R. Covey says,

“We are a product of neither nature nor nurture; we are a product of choice”.

And that’s Leadership.

So we need to certain training programs that can build minds of our employees, parents, scientists and professionals who can cope and feel difference in this age of complexity and next age of wisdom. These trainings can have spirit to transformation the lives many individuals who can become source of inspiration of thousands of others and then this light spreads on.

Today multi-million industries and brand companies are investing billion pounds to educate on their employees development so that they can be engaged with purpose and operations of the organisation. Government and private organisations are focusing that how they can develop and transform minds of their workers to meet knowledge worker age economy needs and be cradle of inspiration for next business generation.

I believe that leadership developmental programs are voice of this age and is necessary part of every academia, on top. Individuals are getting blessed by virtue of this new mind-set and learn new skill-set to cope every challenge of new time.

Today, core academic discipline like Business Management has comprehended importance of education of Leadership development to graduates and professionals. Thousands of universities and colleges are announcing hundreds of courses, trainings, seminars and certifications for Leadership growth. Multinational organisation and cooperate world need diversity and vision in their management mentors and workforces to be succeeded their business master plans and financial goals. They are in great need of certain mind-set which can renovate their management into truly and dynamic business leaders.

I have shown you a very quick view of importance of leadership development in business, personal and social roles. There are many other dimensions as awakening calls for Managers and emerging individuals who can train themselves with change of successful paradigm that is need of today and we must need to abolish old successful way of thinking pattern because remember;

“ Nothing fails like success”.

Trainings based on leadership improvement packages and individual effectiveness are in fact fundamental function of today business and innovative world. Emerging enterprises and social organisations need networking and transparency in actions of which they want to achieve their collective dreams. Employees of the organisation want to work in healthy environment where they can fulfil their needs of personal and family economics, learn new skills and unleash their potential, emotionally connected with cause of the organisation with synergistic spirit and with definite accountable inner which whisper them either they are doing right and wrong.

“You cannot change the fruit without changing the root”.

Leadership and Management Trainings – an Effective Paradigm – By Maratib Ali Shad – London
